Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Tweek to the Recipe

It is offical the first part of the application has been e-maild to The Gladney Center. A funny story about that. We received our packet in Feb 2008, I was a bit disapointed. It was so messy, bad copies, pages that had been coppied so many times they now partialy slid off the page.

So I e-mail the Gladney center and ask for a better copy of the application... What do I get but a scanned copy of the same thing I already had. I make presentation packets as part of my job... the sloppiness of my adoption packet made me crazy. So I e-mailed again and asked for the document in word? I was told they did not have it in word. BUT the path to the document is clearly printed on the copy that was sent. sigh... There was but one thing to do...

Re-Build it in Word. So I took my *.pdf, performed OCR on it... Copied it and pasted in to Excel... Rebuilt all the tables and converted to Word so Jay could proof read it. This took 3 1/2 hours. Now we had to fill out the application. Oh what fun... finding old address for job of companies that are now gone. See a sample of our work below...

Orginal PDF

New Word Version

Training starts this Thursday... oh my...